Facilitating Communication, Connecting People

Providing Professional Language Services Since 1994

At ITS we provide professional interpretation and translation services in the Fraser Valley region. We are a social enterprise and are deeply committed to the professional standards that guide the language industry.

As a branch of the Multicultural and Immigrant Integration Services Division of Archway Community Services (formerly known as Abbotsford Community Services), we were founded in 1994 and by 1998 implemented the first region-wide, comprehensive language service centre, providing both interpretation and translation services to meet the needs of the Fraser Valley Health Region. We pioneered an innovative, centralized approach that has been replicated province-wide.

For over two decades, we have been a community partner responsive to local needs. To meet that commitment to partnership, we have successfully maintained affordable rates while providing high quality services, supplying interpreters and translators to a broad array of community agencies and services including:

  • Correctional Institutions
  • Court Services
  • Police Departments
  • Community Correctional Services
  • WorkSafe BC
  • Health Authorities
  • Immigrant Service Organizations
  • Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD)
  • Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC)
  • Fraser Valley Child Development Center (CDC)
  • Social Development Social Innovation (SDSI)

Meet The Team

Ivona Kado - Program Manager


Ivona oversees the day-to-day operations, staff assignments and program direction of ITS to ensure that the goals and directives are met. Through planning, coordination and administration of the program she ensures an active pool of translators and interpreters are available along with maintaining the levels of quality and professionalism of ITS services. Ivona coordinates, facilitates and organizes various community interpretation trainings and sits on a number of committees promoting the Community Interpreter profession. Please call her directly at 604-870-3777 if you have any questions or would like to connect regarding the services provided by ITS.

Julianne Lin


Interpretation Program Coordinator

Julianne supervises the day-to-day dispatch operation of interpretation assignments and daily schedules for interpreters and program staff. She coordinates the proper documentation of operations including invoices and account payable for the interpretation services program. Call her to book the most appropriate interpreter for your requirements or to receive a quote.

Melissa Gole


Translation Program Coordinator

Melissa supervises the day-to-day translation projects as well as the promotion of services available through the translation program. She provides quotes for translation assignments and participates in interpretation appointment scheduling. Melissa also coordinates the proper documentation of operations for the translation program including invoices and accounts payable. Call her for a quote on your upcoming translation project or to find out about efficient and effective approaches to the translation of your documents, websites or promotional materials.

Morgan Hoffman


Program Assistant

Morgan is responsible for day-to-day dispatching of interpretation and translation assignments as well as over the phone customer service and data entry. She assists in the proper documentation of translation program operations including invoicing and accounts payable. Morgan is also responsible for our Quality Control Management Processes.

Preet Sandhu


Program Assistant

Preet assists the Interpretation Program Coordinator and the Translation Program Coordinator in their respective programs providing support in dispatch, data entry and file maintenance.